Previous “Get Smart”
Home Builder Magazine Columns

- "Keep Claims From Becoming Catastrophes"
- "So What Exactly Is a Construction Defect?"
- "Soil Reports: What Do They Really Say?"
- "How Sheep Can Chase Off Wolves"
- "Which Piers Don’t You Need?"
- "Building a Crack(ed) House To Code"
- "Warranty Managers: Don’t Get Busted By The Engineering Police!"
- "Protection From Rogue Waves?"
- "Beware The Ghostwriter"
- "Transparency: The Emperor’s New(er) Clothes"
- "Consistency Saves…Complacency Kills"
- "An Ounce of Prevention = A Pound of Peace"
- "A New Oxymoron: Ugly Cosmetic Repairs"
- "Colorado’s Sucking Soil Worth Exploring"
- "Construction Defects Law Working For Owners and Builders"
- "Measuring Warranty Performance"
- "Let’s Shine Our Good Apples"
- "Cruising for a Cure to Heartsickness"
- "Flatwork Faux Pas"
- "New Standards Ensure Expert Testimony of ‘Engineering Advocates’"
- "Document Your Actions In Every Claim"